Northwest frontier revisited

Yesteday I had, by the way, the pleasure of seeing again the great and absolutely forgotten movie "Northwest Frontier", taking place at the Khyber pass. Laureen Bacall plays the main female part as an American nurse(they had to put in an American to sell the movie in US) and an exiting story it is. Taliban's grandfathers are attacking an Indian Raja and the British have to rescue his son the prince. After leaving his father is cut to pieces and so the prince is the titular leader of all Hindoos or else India will be swarmed by Musulmans. (strange idea but..) The male hero played by Kenneth More is the professional British officer getting princes, nurses, weapon dealers and the Governor's wife out of the beleaguered British fortress thereafter - literary speaking with the last train (dug out by the third hero, Gupta. But one of the passengers turns out to be a halfbreed, Musulman journalist hating all Brits and plotting to kill the poor little prince. Lots of action, with Afghans making wild west attacks on horseback against the little train (again to sell the movie in USA I suppose) and the British officer outwitting them again and again and finally he and the nurse discloses the evil plot of the Musulman journalist who wants to kill the little prince with a heavy machinegun (overkill??). After a classic on-the-trainroof fight he is killed in stead, by the nurse ("I learned how to use these thing and never left my home in Oklahoma without one") and when reaching their objective they fall in love, of course. The prince gives them a stiff "thank you" and leaves, saying it is a pity he will "have to fight the British". "That's not much of a thanks", says Laureen. "It is what we usually gets", says Stephen, quoting Kipling. Recommended!
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